英文: Some tourists also take pictures regardless of whether they are permitted, and jump over the rails when signs say \'no trespassing\',said Liang Yuan, manager of the outbound tourism marketing department of China Travel International.
中文: 中国国际旅行社境外游市场部经理梁袁说:“有些游客不管可否随意拍照,有的人则无视‘禁止翻越’的标语,翻越围栏。”
英文: Be familiar with all phases of the Sales & Marketing Department operation.
中文: 熟悉星级酒店市场部日常管理及工作流程。
英文: It must include all of the following for the initiator of the promotion, the general manager in the local market, and marketing department at the headquarters to have enough information to make a decision – yes or no.
中文: 下面所列的各项内容将为促销活动的发起人,各分公司的总经理以及总部的市场营销部提供充分的信息来作出是否实施该促销活动的决定。
英文: Kellogg's sales and marketing department is considered America's finest, thanks in great part to the leadership of America's king of marketingDr.
中文: 市场营销系被公认为全美第一,在该系任教的菲律浦·考特勒教授对市场营销学进行了革命性的变革,被尊为现代市场“营销学之父”。