英文: When we have meat before us and such eatables we receive the impression, that this is the dead body of a fish, and this is the dead body of a bird or of a pig; and again, that this Falernian is only a little grape juice, and this purple robe some sheep's
中文: 当肉食摆在我们面前,令人馋涎欲滴时,一个念头出现在我们头脑中:这是一条鱼的尸体,或一只鸟的尸体,或一头猪的尸体,而且,这杯法勒恩酒不过是少许葡萄汁,这件紫袍不过是用贝类的血浸染过的羊毛:这些念头在那里,它们自己达于事物,渗透事物,如此我们才看清事物的本质。