*['edjukeitid]\na. 受过教育的, 有教养的
英文: 1999 prepare for the production of a 20-part TV series DREAMS OF THE CHINESE EDUCATED YOUNG PEOPLE which is to explore the 21st Century with a completely new approach that combines newsreel, documentary and feature film and with some original forms of exp
中文: 1999年筹备导演20集电视纪实系列剧《中国知青的梦》,以全新的内容和样式探索二十一世纪电视剧特有的表达方式,将新闻片、记录片、故事片熔为一炉。
英文: A love of sport may be requisite for a princess. BothKateMiddleton and Diana Spencer were educated at public schoolswherethey both captained their hockey teams and excelled attennis.
中文: 对运动的热爱大概是一位王妃所必须的。凯特和戴安娜都曾在公立学校接受教育,都是校曲棍球队队长以及网球高手。
英文: A man may be in command of any number of facts and be brilliant at his job without necessarily being an educated person.
中文: 有人能擅长许多事情,在工作上十分出色,但不必然就是一个受过教育的人。
英文: A new study says left-handed men with at least some college education earned 15 percent more than similarly educated right-handers, while those who finished college earned about 26 percent more.
中文: 最新研究显示,受同等大学教育的情况下,左撇子男人的收入要比惯用右手的男人多15%;如果同是大学毕业,他们则能多赚到26%.
英文: “It makes no sense to tell well-trained, highly skilled individuals, many of whom are educated at our top colleges and universities, that the United States does not welcome or value them,” Mr Gates said. “America will find it infinitely more difficult to
中文: “这等于告诉训练有素、高度熟练的工人,美国不欢迎或者不重视他们,这毫无道理,何况他们中许多人还在我们的顶尖学院和大学中受教育,”盖茨表示,“如果美国将恰好最能帮助我们进行竞争的人关在门外,那么它将发现极难维持自己在科技方面的领导地位。”