英文: At present, advertisement laws in China is not enough mature, so it is necessary to borrow and absorb foreign legislation and administration in order to enforce the legal regulation upon bad TV advertisement for the children.
中文: 我国现有的广告法律法规尚不够完善,应借鉴国外的相关立法及管理经验,加强时不良儿童电视广告的法律规制。
英文: From the vision of cultural philosophy, harmonious legislation means such a process that an appropriately legal regulation is built on the basis of some social value concept relating to the idea of harmonious society, and different subjects of interests i
中文: 摘要在文化哲学视域,和谐立法即人们基于与和谐社会理念相联系的社会价值观,在促进不同利益主体有差异的立法诉求充分表达、良性互动,整体上相互协调、良性过渡中产生良性法律规范的运行过程。
英文: Note: If the registered capital of the enterprise is decreased because no investors shall take the capital of the shareholder who withdraws, and it meets the relevant legal regulation for the regulation of total investment and registered fund, the enterpr
中文: 注:在没有投资者承接退股股东的出资(包括提供合作条件)而导致企业注册资本调低,且符合法定调整投资总额和注册资本有关规定的,企业须同时向审批机关申报调低投资总额和注册资本。
英文: Our country can use American regulation experiences as a reference and establish a legal regulation system for direct exchanges of internet securities.
中文: 我国应借鉴美国监管经验,及早确立网上证券直接交易的法律规制之道。