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core material


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英文: An inductor constructed by layering the coil between layers of core material,The coil typica-lly consists of a bare metal material(no insulation),This technology is sonetimes refferred to as”non-wirewound”.The inductance value can be made larger by adding

中文: 指一电感其线圈分布在铁芯材质的各层上,此种线圈常包含一裸露的金属(非绝缘材料),这种技术有时亦叫做“非绕线式”,只要在既有的螺旋电路方式下,插入额外的层数,即可增加电感值。        更详细...
英文: Core losses are caused by an alternating magnetic field in the core material,Thie losses are a function of the operating frequency and the total magnetic flux swing, The total core losses are made up of three main components,Hysteresis eddy current and re

中文: 铁损是由于在铁芯中的变更磁场院所造成,这个损失与操作频率及总流动的磁通量有关,总铁损由三个成份组成,磁滞损,过流损及残留损,这些损失因磁性材料不同而异,在如高功率切换调整器和RF的设计需要小心选择铁芯种类以降低铁损使电感的表现最佳。        更详细...
英文: During the accelerated thermal aging and ultraviolet radiation aging of PMMA which is used as the core materials of fiber in POF, it was found that the relative permittivity of PMMA decreased significantly to approximately equal to its square refractive i

中文: 摘要实验中观察到用作塑料光纤纤芯材料的纯有机玻璃(聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯)在加速热老化和紫外老化过程中其相对电容率急剧下降至大约等于其折射率的平方,即有机玻璃由极性聚合物变为非极性聚合物(“全去偶极子极化”现象)。        更详细...
英文: Elastomer Core Material - Soft for great feel, and highly resilient to get the ball rolling quickly.

中文: 弹性聚合物核心材质-柔软的击球手感与高弹力、快速的击球滚动。        更详细...
英文: We use the PBO fiber and Kevlar fiber to be the main core materials with different cover wraps, which underwent recursive stretch tests, to analyze the elongation rate and lowering rate of the rope strength is in this experiment.

中文: 摘要本研究以聚苯并恶唑纤维及克维拉纤维为芯材,搭配不同之外层包覆材,经由反覆拉伸测试下,分析其应用于飞行伞飞行时之飞行伞伞绳延伸率及其强力下降率。        更详细...

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