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*[strikt];a. 严厉的, 绝对的, 详尽的, 严格的, 精确的;

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*[strikt]\na. 严厉的, 绝对的, 详尽的, 严格的, 精确的\n【法】 严格的, 精确的, 绝对的\n相关词组:\n in the strict sense\n be strict with

英文: Half of the school district in Los Angeles is non-English-speaking, which means that you have the nation's second largest educational institution that can't educate an entire generation of kids,he said.

中文: 麦尔曼说:“一半的洛杉矶学区是非英语居民地区,也就是说,美国的第二大教育单位无法使一整代孩子全部受到教育。”        更详细...
英文: My Heart.My Home – 18 Districts Reach Out Together for Loveable Sights in Hong Kongorganised by the Home Affairs Bureau, 18 District Councils and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Chinese Painting.Paint China – Go Into Hong Kongorganized by the Ch

中文: 由民政事务局、十八区区议会及香港建筑师学会联合举办之「情系我家?十八区共同寻找最爱景点」及由中国美术家协会策划的「中国画?画中国——走进香港」启动典礼已于今天2005年10月17日下午于香港茶具文物馆举行,有关活动亦正式展开。        更详细...
英文: Other Congressmen call Mr. Blank a free-wheeler because he doesn't always vote the way the party wants. But in our district we like a man who votes his honest convictions.

中文: 这个人说:“其他国会议员说布兰克先生是一个不受约束的人,因为他不见得每次都按照党的意愿去投票。但是,在我们选区里,我们喜欢一个能够老老实实根据自己的原则来投票的人。”        更详细...
英文: Service, Quality, Innovation, Technologyare The Hotel Automation Industry's four managements ideas, we have the consummated service system, provides the biggest safeguard to the customer's business; we are very strict in product as well as construction qu

中文: 『服务、品质、创新、技术』是易立系统股份有限公司的四大经营理念,我们有完善的服务体系,提供客户营运上最大的保障;易立系统股份有限公司严格要求产品以及施工的品质,因此设备故障率极低;无论在经营趋势、产品设计、施工工法等,易立系统股份有限公司亦不断创新发展;对于先进的技术研发,易立系统股份有限公司拥有一流的团队,不断地提供客户新颖、符合时代潮流的科技产品。        更详细...
英文: The late Judge Li was in private practice before joining the Judiciary as Magistrate in 1987 and was appointed District Judge in 1995.

中文: 李宗锷法官在一九八七年加入司法机构为裁判官前曾私人执业。他于一九九五年获委任为当时的地方法院法官。」        更详细...

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