英文: A Gemini might spontaneously elope and then invite family and friends to gather together and celebrate later.
中文: 双子:多变的双子座很有可能会在大婚前逃逸,晚些时候再邀请亲朋们补办喜宴。
英文: Anyway, after dinner, we moved to another posh venue where one of the other Gemini babies had booked off a private section in the back where we spent the rest of the night chatting with friends old and new.
中文: 吃晚饭以后,我们就转移到了一个极好的地方,过生日的其中一个朋友事先定好的一个私人会所,我们就可以呆在那里和新朋友或者老朋友聊聊天,吃吃东西。
英文: Cancer:Gemini that you change much to the obstinate self-will, idea covers not to live completely, but the but again always can't resist the attraction of Gemini.
中文: 巨蟹座:你对刁蛮任性、心思多变的双子座完全罩不住,但却又总是无法抗拒双子座的吸引力。
英文: Castor and Pollox who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini in the Trojan War.
中文: 狄俄斯库里:波吕丢刻斯和卡斯托耳的统称,在特洛伊战争中被宙斯变成双子星座。
英文: GEMINI &ARIES: This is one of your best matches. You both have a high energy, a thirst[1] for adventure and spontaneity. Passionate, sudden and compelling this union can last.
中文: 这是你的最佳搭档之一。你们都精力充沛,向往冒险和自然。你们的结合充满激情和意外,引人注目。