英文: My grandfather left me a gold watch in his will, but then he always had a soft spot for me.
中文: 我祖父在遗嘱中将一只金表遗赠给我,他总是特别喜爱我。
英文: My grandfather left me a gold watch in his will, but then he always had a soft spot for me.
中文: 我的祖父总是把手表放在口袋里,这是他的一种怪习性。
英文: Strangely, though, I must own up to having a bit of a soft spot for the bloke.
中文: 虽然有些奇怪,但我必须承认,我对这个家伙有几分好感。
英文: What you've done is to be perseverant without any hesitation, or lay whose soul on the opsite side of restriction, face to face from far way , wallow in each other's grief, or else have your soft spot in the deepest, and rail the love into somewhere to be
中文: 是义无反顾地执著,还是把谁的心摆在矜持的对岸,两两相看,悱恻缠绵;又或是把你的留恋深藏在心里,让时间放一把大火,把记忆圈到某个角落里烧掉。