英文: Funicle (funiculus) The stalk attaching the ovule (later the seed) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries. Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed.
中文: 珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。营养物质通过珠柄传递到胚珠和种子。
英文: When ovule orientation is orthotropous the chalaza corresponds to the point where the funicle is attached but in anatropous and campylotropous ovules the chalaza is some distance from the funicle.
中文: 当胚珠的方向是直生胚珠时,合点和珠柄连成一条直线,当胚珠是倒生胚珠或弯生胚珠时,合点和珠柄之间有一定的距离。