英文: Depart 8am in the morning to Disney World theme park; the Disney Animal Kingdom brings you the amazing experience of being together with the wild animals, imagine being in the middle of African jungle.
中文: 早上八时出发,前往最新落成的野生动物王国,这里动物包罗万有,如处身非洲大森林之感。
英文: How do the top ten most extreme births in the animal kingdom stack up against the best (and worst) human labours?
中文: 这一集《动物之最》会揭开动物十大分娩过程,有些新奇,有些更令你叹为观止。
英文: The greater experiments were with the animal kingdom as this realm allowed for longer life spans and greater mobility.
中文: 伟大的试验是连同着动物王国而来,因为他们的领域允许更长的生命范围和更大的活动性。
英文: They can be up to 50 feet in length and have the biggest eyes in the animal kingdom — over one-foot in diameter8).
中文: 它们身长可达50英尺,眼睛直径超过1英尺——堪称动物界眼睛之最。