英文: We await your triumphant return! Goodbye!a technician at mission control told the astronauts minutes before the liftoff.
中文: “我们期待着你们凯旋归来,再见!”在升空前总指挥如此对宇航员说道。
英文: 14 October 2005 -- China says astronauts carrying out the country's second manned space mission today slightly adjusted the position of their orbiting Shenzhou 6 capsule after it started moving closer to Earth.
中文: 2005年10月14日——中国宣布,今天,担负着第二次载人太空飞行使命的航天员在飞往近地点时对飞行中的神州6号太空舱位置作了轻微调整。
英文: A conference in Kuala Lumpur considered questions such as how Muslim astronauts could pray in space, locate Mecca while revolving around the earth, and prepare food according to halalstandards.
中文: 在吉隆坡召开会议考虑这类问题,例如伊斯兰教太空人可以在太空祈祷;绕著地球运行时找到麦加的位置;以及按照伊斯兰国家公认的「哈拉」认证标准调配食物。
英文: A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid vertical acceleration.
中文: 抗荷衣宇航员或喷气机飞行员穿的飞行服,在快速垂直加速中增加身体下部的压力以保持脑部血液供应
英文: A leading French chef has been asked to help create space food for astronauts on long-term voyages in space.
中文: 一位法国名厨受邀帮忙长期在太空旅行的太空人设计食物。