英文: My shield is so strong that nothing can pierce it through.He also sang praises of his spear. My spear is so strong that it can pierce through anything.
中文: 你们看,我的盾是世上最坚固的盾,任何锋利的东西都不能刺穿它。”接着又举起他的矛,向人吹嘘说:“你们再看看我的矛,它锋利无比,无坚不摧,无论多么坚硬的盾,都挡不住它,一刺就穿!”
英文: And a sword will pierce through your own soul also -- so that the reasonings of many hearts may be revealed.
中文: 35叫许多人心里的意念被揭露出来,你自己的魂也要被刀刺透。
英文: In the practice of Open English teaching, we help the students learn English by using the Teaching Mode: Instructed study, Self Study, Aided Study, which are combined mutually, pierce through in each link of the whole teaching process.
中文: 摘要作者在电大开放教育英语教学实践中,探索运用“导学→自学←助学”的英语教学模式,围绕“自主学习”,开展及时、便捷的“导学”和“助学”服务。
英文: The creative cosmic rays sent by Prime Creator and the Original Planners pierce through this frequency shield.
中文: 创造性的宇宙射线通过最初的创造者发送而且最初的计划者通过这频率护罩渗透。
英文: The sunshine pierce through large stretch of French windows, illuminate and exactly organize the sincere sofa, give out thin, fresh taste, seem to bring some changes for simple and unadorned life too.
中文: 阳光灑进几净的大片落地窗,照亮整组樸实的沙发,散发出淡淡的、清新的味道,似乎也为简樸的生活带来些许的变化。