英文: Scarlet, whose room lay across the hall from her mother's, knew from babyhood the soft sound of scurrying bare black feet on the hardwood floor in the hours of dawn, the urgent tappings on her mother's door, and the muffled, frightened Negro voices that w
中文: 斯卡利斯特的屋子正对着母亲的屋子,她在襁褓中,就常在黎明时分听见光着脚板的黑奴在硬木地板上匆匆跑动的声音,听见在她母亲房门上急促的敲打声,听见那惊惶压抑的嗓音,那是黑奴在诉说在那一长列下等人居住的白色小屋里谁家生了孩子,谁家有人生病,或是谁家死了人的消息。
英文: The period from the War of Independence to the Civil War is the babyhood of the United States.
中文: 从独立战争到内战这个时期是美国的婴儿期。