英文: Nigerian fans were threatening my family back home,Mikel told The Sun. They believe I have started picking the games I play for my country.
中文: “尼日利亚的球迷恐吓了我的家人,”米克尔对太阳报说。“他们相信我会代表国家队出战。”
英文: There was just too much pressure from the Nigerian football officials and, even though I tried to explain things to them, they refused to hear me out.
中文: “尼日利亚足协给了我太大的压力,即使我想向他们解释,他们也不会听我说。”
英文: A brawl breaks out in the Nigerian parliament amid a debate over the Speaker's alleged misuse of public funds.
中文: 一次争吵在针对公众基金的说者涉嫌误用的辩论之中在奈及利亚人国会爆发。
英文: At the other end Recoba passes to Martins in the Belgian box but the Nigerian can't coordinate and is intercepted.
中文: 在场地的另一侧雷科巴传给在对方禁区内的马丁斯,但尼日利亚人并未协调好,球被拦截。
英文: Bots are well known for helping to generate millions of spam messages advertising printer cartridges, septic systems, Viagra and Nigerian money scams.
中文: 机器人程式以协助制造数百万的垃圾讯息闻名于世,比如有关印表机墨水匣、污水处理系统、威而刚,以及奈及利亚货币诈欺等等的广告。