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chemical fertilizer


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英文: According to problems presented in grain production during the last six years, in order to guarantee the food security, beside continued development of chemical fertilizer industry and increase of chemical fertilizer application other corresponding measur

中文: 根据近6年来我国粮食生产中出现的问题,指出要保障我国粮食安全,除了继续发展化肥工业,增加化肥用量之外,国家应采取其他相应措施,包括稳定粮食作物的种植面积(至少应维持在11000万公顷水平);调整粮食价格,保护农民种粮积极性;改善农田基本生产条件,推行节水灌溉技术,促进粮食均衡增产;适度提高粮食净进口份额等等。        更详细...
英文: Although China has been leading the world in the proper use of organic manures and fertilizers in China, like the rest of Asia (other than Japan), is a newcomer in the field of chemical fertilizer use.

中文: 虽然中国在合理使用有机肥料方面在全世界独树一帜,但中国和其他亚洲国家(日本除外)一样在化肥使用方面起步较晚。        更详细...
英文: By an analysis of the present technological situation of the processes in medium and small ammonia and integrated methanol plants, and in the light of the development tendency in the chemical fertilizer industry and energy chemical engineering, a technolo

中文: 摘要通过分析中、小合成氨和联醇工艺的技术现状,根据化肥工业和能源化工的发展趋势,提出了从联醇工艺向联醇工艺发展的技术开发思路,并简要介绍了与联氨工艺相关的关键技术及其研发进展。        更详细...
英文: Compared with zero-fertilizer, only organic fertilizer, or chemical fertilizer applications, compound organic and chemical NPK fertilizer applications greatly enhance soil microbial biomass in the whole corn growth period, increase the supply of soil nutr

中文: 研究结果表明,与无肥、单施有机肥、单施化肥相比,有机肥与N、P、K肥配合施用能显著增加玉米各生育时期的土壤微生物量碳、氮,促进土壤微生物量显著增长,增强了土壤养分容量的供应强度,有利于培肥土壤。        更详细...
英文: Currently, the hag filters of the urea packing system in several large domestic chemical fertilizer plants still need improvement or reconstruction, and suggestions are offered on the future improvement on bag filters.

中文: 目前国内仍有不少大化肥企业的尿素包装系统的袋式除尘器需要进行改造或重建,为此对袋式除尘器今后的改造提出了建议。        更详细...

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