英文: ' he soliloquised in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse: looking, meantime, in my face so sourly that I charitably conjectured he must have need of divine aid to digest his dinner, and his pious ejaculation had no referenc
中文: “主保佑我们,”当牵过我的马时,他愤愤的小声嘟哝,同时烦躁地盯着我的脸以至于我大方地推测他一定是需要神的帮助来消化他的晚餐,而他突然迸发处来的虔诚的祷告与我的不期而来是毫不相关。
英文: 6th Pair: governs all of creation and aligns your 12-strand DNA with divine will.
中文: 第六对:支配全部的创造和用神性意愿排列你的12条DNA。
英文: [KJV] Whiles they see vanity unto thee, whiles they divine a lie unto thee, to bring thee upon the necks of them that are slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity shall have an end.
中文: 人为你所见的异象是虚假的,为你所占的卜是虚谎的,使你倒在该死的恶人的颈项上;他们受惩罚的日子到了,最后惩罚的时刻到了。
英文: [color=#000000][b]18) Watching mesmerized the Divine Swan defy the laws of gravity of Newton in Madrid and score a diving header from the ground. Breathe-taking stuff.
中文: 巴斯滕在马德里出神入化的表演倾倒众生,他不可思议地冲破牛顿定律,鱼跃冲顶打进一球。至今令人为之神夺。
英文: “These are short but full articles of true religion, which carry salvation along with them, which make a true and full offering and oblation of our whole nature to the Divine operation, and are also a true and full confession of the Holy Trinity in Unity.
中文: “这些虽然很简短,但是真正确的教义,使我们因赐下的救恩而真正完全顺服神的启示下,也真正宣告承认三而一的真神”。