英文: A $ 6 billion tax cut pumped additional money into general circulation.
中文: 减税60亿美元使更多货币注入总体流通。
英文: Clinton also attacked Bush for backing an across-the-board tax cut without spelling out how to pay for it.
中文: 克林顿并且攻击布什支持普遍减税而未明确解释如何筹措财源。
英文: Defining the event week around the announcement of the tax relief act, we examine the dividend tax cut effect on stock prices in the United States.
中文: 将减轻赋税法案宣布该周定义为事件周,我们检视股利税率减免对美国股价所造成的影响。
英文: The empirical evidence not only supports that the stock returns are higher during the dividend tax cut event week, but also suggests that firms paying lower dividends in the year of 2002 tend to have higher abnormal stock returns around the dividend tax c
中文: 实证结果不只证实股票收益在该事件周中变得较高,更显示在2002年付较低股利的公司在2003年的股利税率减免事件期间获得异常高的股票收益。
英文: The government is expected to announce the peasant's tax cut in this year's budget.
中文: 人们期望政府本年度预算中削减农民的税收。