英文: Climatological data from fossil pollen, leaves and wood indicate that the Cretaceous forests of northern Alaska consisted of a mixed canopy that included deciduous conifers with an understory of flowering plants, ferns and cycads.
中文: 由花粉、叶子和木材化石蒐集到的气候资料显示,阿拉斯加北部的白垩纪森林有混合型林冠,包括了落叶针叶林以及林下的开花植物、蕨类和苏铁。
英文: Giant pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests with a dense understory of bamboo, at elevations between 5,000 and 10,000 feet.
中文: 大熊猫生活在长有茂密箭竹的阔叶与针叶混交林里,海拔在5,000和10,000英尺之间。