英文: By evening we have past Guadalupe National Park, El Paso Texas, and back to Las Cruces for the night.
中文: 傍晚,途经瓜达洛普国家公园,穿越边城艾尔巴索,回到拉斯库斯。
英文: Misidentifications aren't due to racism, however, said Roy Malpass, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at El Paso who's published widely on the cross-race effect.“People make about 50 percent more errors,”he said, whenever they're asked to
中文: 曾发表许多关于跨种族效应著作的德州大学艾尔帕索分校的心理学教授洛伊.马尔帕斯表示,辨识错误并非源自于种族歧视,他说,当人们被要求记住其他种族的面孔时,「他们辨识错误的机率约有五成以上」。
英文: PSA Flight 1771 crashes near Paso Robles, California, killing all 43 on board, after a disgruntled passenger shoots his ex-boss on the flight, then shoots both pilots and himself.
中文: 1987年,一位不满的乘客在美国PSA航空公司的1771号航班上先后向其前老板、两位驾驶员和他自己开枪后,飞机坠毁于加利福尼亚的帕索罗·布勒斯附近,造成机上全部43人丧生。
英文: We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library.
中文: 我们走过了几个街区,来到了爱坡索市的公立图书馆。
英文: We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library. .
中文: 于是,我们走进街道拐角处的一家酒吧,坐在一双转椅上,喝着饮料。