英文: A Utah prairie dog emerges to forage in spring snow. Though not completely dormant during the winter, prairie dogs return to activity and aboveground life in earnest in spring.
中文: 一只犹他土拨鼠出现在春雪过后的草料堆上。尽管它们在冬天不是完全冬眠,但土拨鼠要到春天才真正开始它们的陆上活动。
英文: A Utah teen with fingers of fury is once again the speed text-messaging king of the world.
中文: 犹他州的一名“神指”少年再次成为世界上发短信速度最快的人。
英文: A brand new approach to treating severe nerve pain - by aiming drugs at a previously unrecognized molecular target - has been discovered by University of Utah scientists who study the venoms of deadly, sea-dwelling cone snails.
中文: 从事海洋芋螺剧毒毒液研究的美国犹他州大学的科学家发现,芋螺毒素可通过以往未知的分子靶点,治疗严重的神经疼痛。
英文: A bride in Utah was stolen away from her groom allegedly by her own parents.
中文: 犹他州的一个新娘被父母非法地从新郎身边偷走。
英文: According to the state's top consumer watchdog, it's time to find out how many Utah victimsare involved.
中文: 按照该州最高监察人员的说法,现在是到了统计由他州有多少受害者被卷进去的时候了。