英文: After the defection last September of one centre-left senator, he had the same number of elected senators in the upper house as the opposition leader, Silvio Berlusconi.
中文: 自从去年九月中左联盟的一位参议员倒戈之后,他与自己的老冤家,(保守派领导人)贝卢斯科尼在上议院拥有的席位就持平了。
英文: As well as pleasing Mr Andreotti, that made easier one more change: the defection of a centre-right senator, Marco Follini, one of two opposition rebels.
中文: 在讨得安德莱奥蒂的欢心后,其实还可以做更多的切实改变:即力劝反对党“双子星”之一、中右派参议员福利尼“变节”。
英文: Enterprises have to realize that 1% defection of a product equals 100% loss for the customer.
中文: 企业必须清楚地认识到,产品1%的缺陷,对于买到产品的消费者来说,就是100%的损失。
英文: His defection to music was finalized in 1995 when, while vacationing in Taiwan, he was signed to a professional recording contract.
中文: 他的音乐道路最终在1995年实现,当时正值在台湾度假的他签了一份专业的唱片合同。
英文: However, the Chamber of Commerce in China can't play it's should-be role due to a lot of problems currently, which are particularly expressed as: unclear definition of its nature, without standard management, lacking legitimacy and some defection of organ
中文: 改革开放以来,我国商会经历了从无到有的发展过程,现已建成以全国工商联、贸促会、企业联合会、商业联合会等大型全国性商会,多家地方商会、多种行业协会并存的商会体系,而且在经济发展中不断壮大队伍,拓展活动领域。