英文: Look into the distance green banboos Yin show , the shaddock tree of short sightedness becomes forest, shaddock April flower floats on 4 open soundly to overflow, in August, branch fruit is numerous , and then matches so as straight Dong palm, fully the v
中文: 远眺翠竹隐现,近视柚子树成林,柚子4月花开香飘四溢,8月枝头果实累累,再配以挺拔的董棕,满园的菜畦,和一幢幢新式傣家竹楼,组成了一幅秀丽的画卷,故有“农村天然公园”的美称。
英文: Treat falseness short sightedness and low degree short sightedness; Eliminate rare delicacy, it is exhausted to alleviate , make the feelings of popular feeling happy, expression air is clear.
中文: 治疗假性近视和低度近视;预防和缓解近视、远视、散光、老花等屈光不正;消除眼疲劳;消除脑疲劳,缓解失眠症状;消除鱼尾纹、眼袋和黑眼圈;负离子可清新净化空气,消除异味,减轻疲劳,使人心情舒畅,神情气爽。