英文: A ery rare form of lupus called neonatal lupus affects newborn babies of some women who hae lupus.
中文: 新生儿狼疮是一种非常罕见的狼疮,见于一些患有狼疮的妇女的新生婴儿。
英文: A newborn Ukranian baby suffered minimal injuries and was expected to recover fully after its mother threw it from a third-storey window.
中文: 在被母亲从三楼窗口丢出后,乌克兰一位新生儿受到微乎其微的轻伤,预料将可完全康复。
英文: A newborn cub weighs three to five ounces and is about the size of a stick of butter.
中文: 一只新生的熊猫幼仔仅重3~5个盎司,只相当于一根黄油棒大小。
英文: A newborn killer whale found on a Mexican beach has become the centre of an international controversy over whether she should stay in Mexico or be sent to a U.S. marine theme park.
中文: 1只在墨西哥海滩上被人发现的杀人鲸宝宝,近来成为国际争议焦点,各方为了她究竟该继续留在墨西哥,还是应该送往美国的海洋生物主题公园而争论不休。
英文: A newborn turkey chick has to be taught to eat, or it will starve.
中文: 必须教新孵出来的火鸡雏鸟进食,否则它们就会饿死。