英文: Utilizing the electric double layer produced by hydration of cement to gather in superfluous water at negative electrode and reduce the water cement ratio of solidification by using electroosmosis technology.
中文: 方法采用电渗技术,利用水泥水化产生的双电层的导电性能,使混凝土中的多余水分向阴极聚集,以减少混凝土的凝结水灰质量比。
英文: Excessive Al(i Bu) is dissociated into ion pair and formes an electric double layer which keeps the stability of the colloidal particles. Simultaneously, Al(i Bu) reduces Fe + into Fe + .
中文: 适当过量的 Al(i- Bu) 形成双电层 ,使催化剂胶粒稳定 ,同时将 Fe +还原成 Fe +.