英文: Cloud Gate has graced prestigious stages like the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., and Lin was named ”Choreographer of the 20th Century” by Dance Europe magazine.
中文: 云门曾在美国华府甘迺迪中心等高水准舞台演出,林怀民并被欧洲舞蹈杂志选为「廿世纪编舞名家」。
英文: Not only inheriting the past, but looking to the future, Cloud Gate leads Taiwan to the world stage with its unique dancing.
中文: 不止承接了过去,也开启了未来,未来,这条翩然起舞的道路,让台湾走了出去,用著,跟云门一样美丽的姿态。
英文: The Cloud Gate Dance Theater started out in a studio above a Taiwanese noodle shop. Now, 33 years later,it's a world-renowned modern dance company with perfor-mances already booked into 2008.
中文: 「云门舞集」草创时期是在台湾一家面店楼上的舞蹈室,33年后,云门已是蜚声国际的现代舞团,表演排到了2008年。
英文: The Philippines' Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation has awarded this year's prize for journalism, literature and creative communication arts to Cloud Gate Dance Theater founder Lin Hwai-min and a Filipino journalist.
中文: 菲律宾耶热蒙.目屎屎基金会今年耶文学创作通讯艺术奖赏乎云门舞集耶林怀民;今年耶新闻奖赏乎一耶菲律宾耶记者。