英文: Being tired of shelling out on repairs to his bicycle, he sold it cheap.
中文: 他再也不愿为修自行车而花钱,于是便廉价把它卖掉了。
英文: In addition, it's two minutes long so every time Honda airs the film on British television, they're shelling out enough dough to keep any one of us in clover for a lifetime.
中文: 另外,每次本田公司将这则时长两分钟的广告在英国电视台播放,赚到的钱都足够我们养尊处优一辈子。
英文: In planting ratoon sugarcane, four early: ploughing soil so as to loose sugarcane sprout, applying fertilizer during seedling so as to provide necessary nutrition for growing early and rapidly, early thinning out and singling seedling with shelling sear l
中文: 宿根蔗突出“四早”管理,即早破垄松蔸,促进蔗蔸萌发;早施苗肥,促进蔗苗早生快发,保证养分有效供给;早间苗、定苗,及时剥除枯脚叶,确保甘蔗有效群体和田间通透性;早防治病虫,保证苗齐、苗全、苗匀、苗壮。
英文: Prolonged Israeli shelling and air strikes have killed dozens of Gazans, both militants and bystanders, but done nothing to abate the Qassams.
中文: 延续不断的以色列炮击和空袭打死了许多加沙居民,既有武装人员也有旁观民众,但对于减少卡桑火箭弹的发射却无济于事。
英文: She was shelling peas.
中文: 她在剥豌豆荚。