英文: After sizing up the situation which innovators face and the family background of them, this paper analyses their success and failure from their subjective reason which bases on the theories of political psychology and political control and includes four a
中文: 我们在分析革新集团面临的形势与其骨干成员的出身之后,根据政治心理学和政治控制的理论,从革新集团核心人物王叔文、王伾、韦执谊三人的政治勇气、政治胸怀、政治品质、政治谋略等四个方面分析他们的得失,从政治素质层面揭示革新派迅速失败的原因。
英文: The disharmony of political ideology and public political psychology is a prominent manifesto of present political culture.
中文: 摘要政治意识形态与大众政治心理的不和谐是当前政治文化内在矛盾的表现。