英文: Drawn to the blue-ice glaciers and penguins of the Antarctic and a cheaper peso since Argentina devalued its currency in 2002, visitors come in droves to Ushuaia, billed as the world's southernmost city.
中文: 被南极蓝色的冰河和企鹅吸引,加上阿根廷通货披索在2002年贬值,游客成群结队涌入乌斯怀亚这个号称世界最南端的城市。
英文: In other words, the Philippine peso is the world's most undervalued currency, the Swiss franc its most overvalued.
中文: 换句话说,菲律宾比索是世界上最被低估的货币,瑞士法郎是最被高估的。
英文: Nipping inflation in the bud would require a rise in interest rates and curbs on public spending, as well as letting the peso appreciate.
中文: 对通货膨胀防患于未然需要利率的上调和控制公共开支,同时允许阿根廷比索升值。
英文: The devaluation raised the value of the dollar-denominated debt in peso terms.
中文: 披索贬值却让美元升值,(但外债却以美元计价),就需要以更多的披索来偿还美元债务。
英文: There were calls for the government to impose foreign exchange controls like what Malaysia did to stop the peso dive and prevent runaway inflation caused by the peso devaluation.
中文: 像马来西亚所作的,这需要政府对外国交换进行控制,来停止披索巨贬也防止披索贬值所带来飞涨的通货膨胀。