英文: Blotchy interveinal yellow-green mottling and marginal yellowing of expanded leaflets; irregular brown necrotic patches; wavy margins and down-curved leaf tips.
中文: 矮生菜豆缺锌:带泡的脉间形成黄绿色斑纹,展开的小叶边缘黄化及不规则的褐色坏死斑点,波浪形边缘,叶尖向下卷曲.
英文: In a series of 30 cases of retinitis pigmentosa, pigment epithelial alterations included mottling of the macula in 8 eyes (13.3%), bull's-eye pattern in 24 eyes (40%) and atrophy or hypopigmentation in 56 eyes (93.3%); macular edema with retinal thickenin
中文: 摘要对网膜色素变性症的病例30例60眼探讨其黄斑部病灶的情形,网膜色素上皮层变化中的杂色斑点病变见于8眼,频率为13.3%,牛眼样病灶见于24眼(40%),网膜脱色素病灶为56眼(93.3%);黄斑部浮肿之网膜增厚为30眼(50%),类囊胞浮肿为18眼(30%);其它变化包括中心窝反射消失或增宽为60眼(100%),网膜前纤维膜为58眼(96.7%),黄斑部出血和疑似网膜下新生血管各为1眼(1.7%)。
英文: The fellow eye of 11 patients had abnormal macular appearance, 4 presented with macular hole, and the others showed irregular surface, central yellowish deposits, mottling change, or pseudomacular hole.
中文: 黄斑裂孔的成因是向多数因子所促成,诸如构造的薄弱,血液循环不足,老化,以及玻璃体的牵引等。
英文: These dogs usually have the paler face markings over the muzzle, on the cheeks, above the eyes and with cream mottling in the ears.
中文: 这些犬通常脸部有分界线,覆盖包括口鼻,在脸颊上,眼睛上部和耳朵都有奶油色的斑纹。