英文: A reasonable irrigation system can not only meet the water requirement requested in grass growth period but also can make a combination with grass planting technology to adjust soil condition such as water, fertilizer, gas and heat which can create a good
中文: 合理的灌溉制度既能满足牧草生育期对水分的要求,又能与饲草料栽培技术措施相结合,调节土壤水、肥、气、热的状况,为牧草生长创造良好条件。
英文: Eight varieties of Vitis Amurensis Rupr. (V.T.R) of intraspecific hybridization and interspecific hybridization were introduced into from 2001~2006, the results showed Some which suited the temperature and soil condition to be the main varieties were sele
中文: 摘要2001~2006年,引种8个山葡萄种内和种间杂交品种,筛选出适宜当地气候和土壤条件、抗寒、产量高、可酿造干红葡萄酒“左优红”、加工果汁饮料的“哈桑”、用于调色和调酸的“双优”和“双红”为当地主栽和推广品种。
英文: In the course of soft soil foundation ditch construction, according to the soil condition of main foundation ditch and characteristics of geology and geomorphology around in Yaojiang Lock, proper construction technology was adopted to achieve satisfactory
中文: 摘要介绍根据姚江船闸主体基坑的土质条件和周边的地形、地貌特点,在软土地基基坑施工过程中因地制宜采取相应的施工工艺,以尽可能少的施工投入取得满意的施工效果。