英文: Abstract: The relapse of orthodontically rotated teeth can be a serious problem in occlusal stability after orth-odontic treatment.
中文: 文摘:扭转牙的复发是正畸临床治疗后牙稳定性的难题之一。
英文: Behavior management is the characteristics of the pedodontic department at Taipei Medical University. This training program is very famous in the world.
中文: 儿童行为管理是北医儿童牙医学之特色,在国内外牙医界颇富盛名,其专科训练扎实也是牙医界所称道。
英文: Conclusion:Fluoride treatments can reduce the incidence rate of enamel opaque spot after orthodontic etching.
中文: 结论:氟化处理可降低口腔固定正畸患者釉白斑的发生率。
英文: For an orthodontic case with the discrepancy of the discoordination between the length of palate bone and tooth size or for a case with skeletal discrepancy of the unsymmetry upper and lower jaw in their size and position, the most common treatment is to
中文: 摘要一般矫正治疗,对于齿槽骨和牙齿大小长度总和的不调和或上下颚骨骨骼性大小、位置不对称,其处置原则通常都以上下颚第一小臼齿或第二小臼齿等4齿做为拔除对象来进行矫正治疗。
英文: In summary, orthodontic treatment tends to be successful and may instead of orthognathic surgery if there is: small ANB angle, low mandibular plane angle, mild dental compensation (small skeletal horizontal and vertical discrepancy), and symmetric growth
中文: 对于较严重之骨骼性第三类咬合不正的成年病例,正颚手术经常是必要的策略,在配合正颚手术前,需先解除齿性代偿以利手术效果;而部份较不严重之骨性第三类咬合不正病患,则可利用单纯矫正方式加弦齿性代偿而达到咬合关系的改善。