英文: KVAR: The capacitor Bank should be integrated in the starter and fixed properly with necessary installation Kits.
中文: 电容器组:电容器组的容量应该是12.5KVAR,并且应该与启动钮和一些必要的装配工具固定在一起的.
英文: The study of the effect of material properties and dimensions and loading currents on liner buckling, using a capacitor bank as a driver, indicates that the mode number for buckling increases with the ratio of radius to thickness of a liner, and the yield
中文: 用电容器组脉冲发生器装置作为驱动源,设计4种不同材料、不同尺寸的金属套简,通过调节电容器组的充电电压得到不同的加载电流,研究材料及几何参数、加载脉冲特性对套简屈曲的影响;采用瞬态非线性有限元方法对实验结果进行了数值模拟。