英文: Did a clairvoyant help U.S. commandos ferret Saddam Hussein out of his hiding place in Iraq three years ago?
中文: 三年前是不是一个千里眼帮助美国突击队找到萨达姆的藏身地并一举拿获他的?
英文: In order to reach these higher levels, some clairvoyant ability is required. This can be developed, or natural ability.
中文: 为了达到这些更高层次,需要一些超视力。这种能力是后天开发的,或者是天生就有的。
英文: Long ago, humans had strong telepathic and clairvoyant gifts, which were a part of the original genetic material of the human species as it was seeded upon Earth by the Sirian race.
中文: 很久以前,人们拥有强大的心灵感应和透视天赋,那是人类物种当被天狼星种族播种在地球上时,原始遗传物质的一部分。
英文: Remote viewing (RV) is a form of clairvoyance by which a viewer is said to use his or her clairvoyant abilities to view, i.e. gather information on a Target consisting of an object, place, person, etc., which is hidden from physical view of the viewer and
中文: 遥视是一种千里眼的形式,遥视者据说是运用他或她透视的能力去“观察”,把信息聚集在一个由物体,地点,人物等组成的目标上,是隐藏在遥视者的物理视域里面,尤其是与遥视者分开一定的空间距离,有时候也同样分开时间距离(过去或未来)。
英文: Sensorium: A class of Transmutations. Superhuman powers of sensation, from the perception of auras to clairvoyant observations of distant places and people.
中文: 感术:嬗变术的一类。超乎常人的感知力,如感受特殊气息,或观察遥远目标的千里眼等。