英文: The cease-fire between Israel and Lebanese Hizbollah guerrillas and BP's decision to shut only half of its 400,000 barrel-per-day Prudhoe Bay oil field in Alaska continued to cut down supply risk premium, analysts said.
中文: 分析家说:以色列和黎巴嫩真主党游击队的停火和BP关于关闭阿拉斯加普拉霍德湾油田每日400,000桶石油产量到一半的决定都会继续削减供给风险酬金。
英文: The oil company British Petroleum has shut down a pipeline connecting the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in Alaska to the Trans-Alaska pipeline.
中文: 英国石油公司已关闭一条连接阿拉斯加普拉德霍湾油田与外联系的管道。