*[fi:t]\npl. 脚\nn. 尺\n【机】 尺\n相关词组:\n fall on one's feet\n carry sb off his feet\n on one's feet\n stand on one's own feet\n rise to one's feet\n spring to one's feet\n find one's feet\n put one's feet down\n be run off one's feet\n set sb on his feet\n set sth on its feet\n at sb's feet\n lay sth at sb's feet\n sit at sb's feet
英文: 3would be strong and full of passion for football, as he was abundantly nourished and had enjoyed waving his hands and kicking his feet in a warm covered place, without hurrying out of blond 1to (4) encounter this rainy winter, as well as black 1. 3would
中文: “三”将身强力壮,酷爱足球,因为他在一个保温覆盖之地饱食终日,手舞足蹈,根本不想从“金发一”中匆忙而出,去迎接多雨之冬和“黑发一”.“三”将是未来的天才,或许是又一个爱因斯坦,因为他是“其他二位”爱和智慧的结晶.在这个世界趋于一体化的时代,“三”将是地球村里最有资格的地球公民,因为他代表着儒家精神和笛卡尔精神最完满的结合.
英文: ' she thought. `I must be growing small again.' She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet high, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found out that the cause
中文: 她想,“我一定又变小了,”她起来走到桌子边,量一量自己,正像她猜测的那样,她现在大约只有二英尺高了,而且还在迅速地缩小,她很快发现是拿着的那把扇子在作怪,于是她赶紧把扇子给扔了,总算够快,要不然岂不就缩得没有了。
英文: 1 Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.
中文: 第一式吐气,双脚并拢直立,大拇指着力,合掌于胸前。腹部收缩、提肛,臀部加紧,肩膀放松,头要正,凝神气定,肘与肩平,双目专注指尖。
英文: 10 and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself.
中文: 他们看见以色列的神,他脚下仿佛有平铺的蓝宝石,如同天色明净。
英文: 2000 saw Hardiman working with Michael Flatley creating the highly successful “Feet of Flames” dance show which toured the globe, culminating in an open air performance which played to 100,000 people in Budapest.
中文: 2000年,哈德曼和麦可?佛莱利一同创造了最成功的舞蹈表演【火焰之舞】,这部作品在全球各地巡迴演出,更于布达佩斯户外演出时创下十万观众的超高票房。