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land reclamation


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英文: Abstract: In this paper the connotation, characters,base principles,base model,as well as the domestic and foreign current situation and problems of land reclamation investment are discussed.

中文: 文摘:讨论了土地复垦投资内涵、特点、基本原则、基本运行过程、基本模式及国内外土地复垦投资现状及问题。        更详细...
英文: Article 21 If a mine is to be closed down, a report must be prepared with information about the mining operations, hidden dangers, land reclamation and utilization, and environmental protection, and an application for examination and approval must be file

中文: 第二十一条关闭矿山,必须提出矿山闭坑报告及有关采掘工程、不安全隐患、土地复垦利用、环境保护的资料,并按照国家规定报请审查批准。        更详细...
英文: Article 23 Land reclamation at the expense of deforestation, rock quarrying, sand quarrying, soil extracting and other activities at the expense of deforestation shall be forbidden.

中文: 第二十三条禁止毁林开垦和毁林采石、采砂、采土以及其他毁林行为。        更详细...
英文: Currently, the National Land reclamation rate is about 12%, but compared with advanced foreign country whose national land reclamation rate is 50%, a large gap still exists.

中文: 目前,全国土地复垦率约为12%,与国外先进国家土地复垦率50%以上相比还有较大差距。        更详细...
英文: In Recently ten years, it has compiled almost 300 reports of such various projects as the Feasibility Studying Report of the Natural Rubber Base of China, The Proposal for Producing 100000 Tons Special Glue for Hainan Farms and Land Reclamation Area, The

中文: 十多年间,编写了各类项目报告近300个,其中《中国天然橡胶基地项目可行性研究》、《海南农垦生产10万吨专用胶项目建议书》、《海南大众凌伟有限公司麒麟菜养殖及卡拉胶加工扩建工程可行性研究报告》、《广东省东方剑麻集团有限公司三万亩剑麻种植项目可行性研究报告》等等,获海南省工程咨询协会优秀工程咨询成果三等奖2项。        更详细...

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