英文: David Zime.I replied as I turned the corner of the street and laid eyes upon the Alamo.
中文: “大卫,吉梅。”车子转了个弯,阿拉莫就在前面了。
英文: If we have no solution about Ashley Cole in a couple of days, we turn the corner and we see other faces.
中文: 如果这两天科尔的事情得不到解决,那么我们将看看别的选择了。
英文: In training, you can bend them into the top corner but when you don't know where your legs are - when you have got to look down to see your legs because you simply can't feel them - it's totally different.
中文: 在训练中,你可以绕弧线把球射入球门上角,但是当你不知道你的腿在哪里时-当你必须地下头看你的腿因为你根本感觉不到他们-这完全不一样.
英文: Who are you?he asked. I am your servant Ruth,she said. Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a kinsman-redeemer.
中文: 9他就说,你是谁。回答说,我是你的婢女路得。求你用你的衣襟遮盖我,因为你是我一个至近的亲属。
英文: You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off.
中文: 你把我逼到了死角,我没得选。这是你的选择。你手上染上了鲜血,洗也洗不掉。