英文: Based on recent favorable reports of the second-generationprostheses for certain patient populations, a 78-year-old female patients with rheumatoid arthritis and destructed ankle joint was elected to receive the newly introduced total ankle arthroplasty,
中文: 有鉴于近来第二代的人工踝关节使用于特定病患族群的结果已有相当改善,我们为一位类风湿关节炎并发左踝关节破坏的87岁女性病患实施了此一新引进的第二代全人工踝关节置换手术,并得到成功的短期治疗成果。
英文: In addition to Blair's original description for comminuted fractures and fracture dislocation of the body of the talus, it also provided a functional and durable ankle joint in various lesions of the ankles.
中文: 我们的结论是:除了贝尔氏本人初期所提出的运用于距骨粉碎性骨折及骨折性脱臼外,贝尔氏踝关节固定术亦可运用于各种不同的适应病,而且可以得到一个有功能的且可以持久使用的踝关节。
英文: The predilection areas were the knee joint ( .%), ankle joint ( .%), hand (.8%), waist (9.%), foot (9.%), perineum and scrotum (7.%), thigh (%), calf (.%), pelvis (.7%), head and elbow (0.8%).
中文: 以膝关节 ( .% )、踝关节( .% )、手 (.8% )、腰 (9. % )、足 (9. % )、会阴阴囊 (7. % )、大腿 ( % )、小腿 ( . % )、骨盆 (.7% )、头部和肘关节 (各 0 .8% )为好发部位。