英文: ISSA courses are offered through both independent study and weekend seminars. All courses are self-paced, allowing for individual differences in learning abilities.
中文: ISSA课程是以自学为主的认证课程,所有的课程都是根据教练个人的学习能力来自行调整学习的期限。
英文: In order to improve the adolescents' social behavior, the study suggests that parents should (1) arrange a proper environment for the child to grow; (2) teach the child skillfully with the individual differences in mind; (3) care for the child more, and t
中文: 根据研究发现,本研究提出几点建议,供为人父母者参考,它们是:1.为孩子营造一个适当的成长环境;2.教养孩子讲究方法,因势利导注意个别差异;3.多关爱、少罗嗦;4.多找时间和孩子在一起,注重量也注重质;5.多充实自己在各方面的知识和技能,并以开放的态度接纳孩子。
英文: It was found that individual differences of seals were very minor, If the settingconditions of pressure, paint, paper and underlay were considered, the discrimination of imprints of different seals from the same printing platewas very difficult, if not im
中文: 研究发现,相同条件下制作的“同版”印章的个体差异十分微小,如果考虑到各种盖印条件下,这些印章盖印印文特征的变化范围,“同版”印章印文的检验是十分困难的,甚至是不可能的。
英文: This article reports the results of a survey study which investigates the individual differences and the employment of English learning strategies, examines the association between sex and strategy use, major and strategy use, belief and strategy use, lan
中文: 本文采取问卷和访谈的方法,调查了大学生英语学习的个体差异及策略使用情况,分析了个体差异(包括学习者的性别、专业、学习观念以及语言水平等)对英语学习策略使用的影响。