英文: In the presence of these chemicals or of temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius, the channel allows sodium and calcium ions to flood into the nociceptor, stimulating it to generate a signal that translates into the burning sensation induced by heat, inflam
中文: 在这些化学物质存在下,或是体温超过43℃,该离子通道就会让钠与钙离子涌入痛觉受器;由此生成的讯息,则由脑部判读成热、发炎或辛辣食物所引起的烧灼感。
英文: It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them.
中文: 有人认为,辣椒味道刺激,这可能是辣椒保护自己不被哺乳动物吃掉的一种“进化”的策略。
英文: P: Yes. A severe burning sensation all the time I'm passing water.
中文: 是的,整个排尿过程都有烧灼疼。
英文: These neurotoxins were found to activate the same receptor on sensory nerves that produces the burning sensation animals get from capsaicin, the hotingredient in chilies.
中文: 研究发现,这些毒素与辣椒素(使辣椒呈现红色的成分)使动物产生灼痛感一样,都是刺激感觉神经上相同的感受器。