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energy resources

【经】 能源资源

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英文: And there is also a longer-term worry about the depletion of energy resources when two new industrial powers, China and India, are rising.

中文: 而且长期以来人们也都在担心当中国和印度两个新兴的工业国家在不断发展的时候会耗光所有的能源资源。        更详细...
英文: As a provider and solver of welding and cutting automation complete project,Nanjing Auto Company devotes to research and application of energy resources construction business for almost ten yerars.With\Unlimited Innovation Based on Technology\in the depth

中文: 作为多年来一直致力于能源建设领域焊切工程自动化整体方案的提供者和解决者,奥特秉承了科技为本、不断创新的理念,持续整合新技术、新工艺、缔造出了一个又一个新颖的装备与整厂生产线。        更详细...
英文: Based on the pre-phase study on making ethanol and ethylene by cooperation between the project team of biomass research and exploitation of energy resources of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and CNPC (China National Petrochemical Corporation),

中文: 摘要结合近几年新疆农科院生物质能源研发课题组与中国石化总公司合作研究与开发利用甜高粱制取乙醇、乙烯等的前期实践,从生物质乙烯产业发展对缓解石油供需矛盾的重要性、新疆所具备的优势条件与可能遇到的问题及解决途径,阐述了发展生物质乙烯产业对新疆农业结构调整、农民增收和新型工业化的促进作用。        更详细...
英文: Because the volume of domestic petroleum Production in our country can not meet the need of the development of our national economy and society, it is necessary for China to look for more overseas energy resources by more ways, to participate positively t

中文: 由于我国石油自给能力无法满足国民经济和社会发展的需求,我国将多方位开辟海外能源渠道,积极参与国际石油资源的开发,进一步积极开展能源外交,在全球能源领域占领战略制高点,保障国际石油运输的安全,以期在日趋激烈的能源争夺战中占主动地位。        更详细...
英文: For all the energy resources that lie under Nigerians' feet, the fitful power supply dips at times to levels last seen when the country became independent nearly half a century ago.

中文: 在尼日利亚所控制的所有能量资源中,极不稳定的电力供应会时不时地后退到该国大约半个世纪赢得独立时的水平。        更详细...

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