英文: The backbone will consist of fiber optic cable configured in a star topology to support all communication systems as described in this Communication and Data Systems Philosophy.
中文: 中枢将由组态成星型拓朴结构的光纤电缆组成,以支持本通信与数据系统原理中所述的所有通信系统。
英文: The in-service fiber-optic-cable cut over had achieved significant results since its inception two years ago, in 2004, the cut over time duration for the first-class backbone fiber optic cable was just 5% of that in 2001.
中文: 光缆带业务割接技术推广2年来取得显著成果,2004年一级光缆干线光缆割接总时长仅为2001年割接时长的5%。