英文: Conclusion: Anti-infective therapy shouldn't been performed well by only single subject, clinical pharmacist can have excellent performance in anti-infective target therapy.
中文: 结论:临床抗感染不再是单一学科可以处理好的工作,药师在抗感染目标性治疗中可以大有作为。
英文: Results: Clinical pharmacist should pay attention to whether the isolated pathogen was correct, correctly analyze and refer to the result of antibiotic sensitivity tests, monitor the drug resistance created during anti infective therapy, select and use me
中文: 结果:临床药师应关注药敏试验报告中病原学诊断是否准确;合理地分析和引用药敏试验结果;监测治疗过程中可能产生的耐药性;结合药物的药动学特性确定临床用药和用药方法;参与药敏试验备选品种的确定。