a. 精心构思的, 有好亲戚的, 出身名门的
英文: Although it has been spruced up and re-hung, most recently in 1996, the corridor is closed to all save the most persistent or well-connected because of a chronic shortage of guards.
中文: 虽最近于1996年加以修缮,但因其长期缺乏警卫人员,现已外关闭,坚持不懈非看不可者和与画廊有良好联系的人除外。
英文: In stroke, where cells die or fail to mature, it will be important to identify growth factors that support neuronal survival and teach immature cells to become healthy, well-connected neurons.
中文: 以中风的状况来说,细胞会死去或无法成熟,因此找出哪些生长因子可以支持神经生存,以及教导未成熟细胞变成健康而富连结的神经细胞,就很重要了。
英文: Participate in this NBIA Forum discussion to learn ways your incubation program can become a hub for entrepreneurial training, locate well-connected champions and investors, and create a healthy entrepreneurial climate in your community.
中文: 通过年会,你将孵化器计划做为企业家培训的主线,探索良好关系的投资人并创建健康的企业家群体。
英文: People say parents of a dead son depend on an informal network of friends or family, or even a well-connected fixer, to locate a family that has recently lost a single daughter.
中文: 据了解,丧子父母通过自己的亲戚、朋友,甚至固定的联系人,来寻找最近丧失单身女儿的家庭。
英文: Situated in Xingsha County, eastern suburb of Changsha(capital of Hunan Province), Changsha National Economic and Technical Development Zone(hereinafter called CETZ)is a modern industrial city well-connected with Changsha County.
中文: 长沙经济技术开发区位于湖南省会长沙市东郊,是依托母城长沙建设的现代化工业新城,与长沙县县城同处一地。