英文: Microscopically, caseous necrosis is characterized by acellular pink areas of necrosis, as seen here at the upper right, surrounded by a granulomatous inflammatory process.
中文: 特征性病变为:如图右上角的非细胞组成的粉红色区域,被形成的炎症肉芽肿所包围。
英文: Pathologic examination of the excised pericardial specimen showed caseous necrosis compatible with tuberculosis infection.
中文: 病理检查显示如同肺结核感染后所呈现的乳酪状坏死。
英文: Bronchoscopically, granulomatous lesions, mucosal inflammatory infiltration , ulceration or caseous necrosis and cicatricial stenosis were observed in 7. %, 9. %, . 7 % and . % of the patients, respectively.
中文: 纤支镜下表现肉芽增殖、炎性浸润、溃疡坏死及瘢痕狭窄者分别为7.%、 9.%、 .7%和.%。
英文: Microscopically,the tubers from groups M, M, M , M, M7, M8 and M9 were tubercular granulomatous inflammation, and epithelioid cells, Langhans giant cells, inflammatory cells and a little caseous necrosis were observed.
中文: M、M、M 、M、M7、M8和M9组形成的是结核样肉芽肿性炎,结节内可见到多少不等的上皮样细胞和Langhans巨细胞及炎细胞,并可见到少量干酪样坏死,结节周围伴有程度不等的纤维化。
英文: Ultrasonic manifestations included ascites (8.8%), peritoneum thickening (89.7%), visceral peritoneum and mentum thickening together with intestinal adhesion (8.8%), caseous necrosis and abscess (.%), lymphadenectasis (.%).
中文: 超声表现为腹水(8 8% ) ,壁层腹膜弥漫性增厚 (89 7% ) ,脏层腹膜、网膜增厚并肠袢固定 (8 8% ) ,干酪坏死物及脓肿 ( % ) ,淋巴结肿大 ( % ) ,其中以壁层腹膜所见具有特征性。