英文: Beef Steak, Pork, Variety of French bread and cookies, Fries, Italian Pizza, Noodle, Sandwich, Fried Fish Stick, Sweet and Sour Pork, Spring Rolls Vietnamese Style, Sushi, Malaysian Sate, Stir Fried Rice Thai, Carrot Soup, Variety of Vegetable Salad, Frui
中文: 美式煎牛扒,煎猪扒,炸薯条,法式面包,点心,意大利比萨,意大利三明治,意大利面,墨西哥炸鱼条,中式糖醋里脊,越南春卷,日本料理,马来沙爹,泰国炒饭,胡萝卜浓汤,什锦沙拉(玉米沙拉,土豆沙拉,小番茄沙拉,青瓜沙拉,墨西哥沙拉),什锦果盘,时菜等。
英文: Besides that, Truly Hotpot provides all kinds of Cantonese dim sum, such as Ha Gao, milk egg tart, fried fish &leek roll, milk egg bun, sticky rice ball with coconut milk, sweet corn cake etc.
中文: 此外,真珍火锅还提供各式港式点心,水晶鲜虾饺、奶香鸡蛋挞、鱼丝炸春卷、腐皮海鲜卷、蜜汁叉烧包、贵妃奶黄包、揶丝糯米球、香甜玉米饼等。
英文: Roast Turkey, Fried Egg, Beef Steak, Pork, Variety of French cookies, Fries, Pizza, Sandwich, Fried Fish Stick, Sweet and Sour Pork, Spring Rolls Vietnamese Style, Sushi, Malaysian Sate, Stir Fried Rice Thai, Carrot Soup, Variety of Vegetable Salad, Fruit
中文: 英式烤火鸡,煎鸡蛋,美式煎牛扒,煎猪扒,炸薯条,法式点心(八种),意大利比萨,意大利三明治,墨西哥炸鱼条,中式糖醋里脊,越南春卷,日本料理,马来沙爹,泰国炒饭,胡萝卜浓汤,什锦沙拉(玉米沙拉,土豆沙拉,小番茄沙拉,青瓜沙拉,墨西哥沙拉),什锦果盘,圣诞大蛋糕,圣诞菠萝树,。