英文: Detail of young leaves and growing point; many leaves reduced to bare midrib or narrow green corrugated residue of lamina; youngest leaves and growing point brown and dead; large green stipular lamina around crown.
中文: 缺锰甘蓝的“鞭尾症:关键在于嫩叶和生长点,许多叶片露出中脉或缩小成绿色波状的薄层残留,心叶和生长点变褐并死亡,顶部周围有大量绿色长有托叶的叶片。
英文: Numerous small rounded dark brown or black necrotic patches in green leaves; patches often in groups or rows close to midrib or major lateral veins, towards centre or basal areas of leaflects; petioles green and healthy.
中文: 缺锰的马铃薯叶片:叶片上有大量深褐色或黑色坏死小圆斑,叶的主脉或大部分侧脉附近有条状斑纹,向叶中部和基部扩散,叶柄正常并保持绿色。
英文: L. Chen, but can be easily distinguished by its thicker, broadly elliptic or subrounded leaves yellowish_grey lanate on both surfaces, midrib raised beneath, few heads glomerated in composite_corymbs of .- cm in width, and peduncles usually simple.
中文: Chen ,主要的区别是叶较厚 ,宽椭圆形或近圆形 ,两面被淡黄灰色绵毛 ,中脉在背面明显突起 ,头状花序少数密集成宽 - cm的复伞房花序 ,总花序梗常不分枝。