英文: A plank-paved roadway was built some 1,000 years ago above water and beneath the rock for salt and rice transport.
中文: 古浅道建于长江水位以上,已有1000年的历史了,古浅道主要用作运输食盐和谷物的通道。
英文: Let us imagine that we are at the seaside: Some people are out there drowning, while some people's heads bob up and down managing to stay above water as they search for the shore.
中文: 想像我们现在正置身海边:当有些人上下浮动以保持头在水面上时,有些人已从沉溺中走出,试著找寻岸边。
英文: Martha, Jan's equally apathetic roommate, keeps her head above water as a human crash test dummy.
中文: 安娜也认识了对杨漠不关心的同屋主玛花,发现她为汽车公司作模拟撞击测试实验品为生。
英文: To keep his head above water , he has been selling the valuable antiques his father has left him.
中文: 他一直在出售他父亲留给他的贵重古董,这样才不至于陷入债务。
英文: Whales cannot breathe under eater, but must come above water for air every thirty or forty minutes.
中文: 鲸鱼不能在水下呼吸,必须每30分钟或40分钟返回水面上来呼吸。