*['sæfrәn];n. 藏红花, 藏红花柱头, 藏红花色;a. 藏红花色的;
*['sæfrәn]\nn. 藏红花, 藏红花柱头, 藏红花色\na. 藏红花色的\n【化】 藏花; 藏红花\n【医】 番红花, 藏红花, 藏花
英文: But at the present moment the whole road looked rather pretty, for the sun had just set in splendor, and the equalities of rent were drowned in a saffron afterglow.
中文: 但此时整条路看起来都挺美,金灿灿的太阳刚落下山,橙红色的余辉掩盖了房屋的种种差异。
英文: During Holi celebrants toss clouds of powdered pigments in shades of indigo, magenta, and saffron to celebrate the passion of Hindu god Krishna for his lover, Radha.
中文: 在胡里节期间,司仪会抛洒由靛蓝,洋红和金黄等颜色的颜料粉末,以赞美印度教里的神克利须那对他的爱人拉德哈的热恋。
英文: However, the hypermarket beside the Erdaqiao mosque is in an area dominated by ethnic Uighurs and other Muslim minorities from western China, so the shelves carry rows of dried apricots, almonds, saffron and different varieties of raisins.
中文: 然而,在二道桥清真寺附近的那家超市,其所处位置是维吾尔族和中国西部其他穆斯林少数民族的聚居区,因此,货架上摆放的是杏干、杏仁、藏红花和各种葡萄干。
英文: I will replenish with scented oil the lamp that burns by your bedside, and decorate your footstool with sandal and saffron paste in wondrous designs.
中文: 我将在您床边的灯盏里添满香油,我将用檀香和番红花膏在您脚垫上涂画上美妙的花样。
英文: No, my friends, I shall never leave my hearth and home, and retire into the forest solitude, if rings no merry laughter in its echoing shade and if the end of no saffron mantle flutters in the wind; if its silence is not deepened by soft whispers.
中文: 不,我的朋友,我将永不离开我的炉火与家庭,去退隐到深林里面;如果在林荫中没有欢笑的回响;如果没有郁金色的衣裙在风中飘扬;如果它的幽静不因有轻柔的微语而加深。