英文: But when poachers carrying rifles or machetes traipse by a detector, it will send a radio signal to a treetop antenna.
中文: 而当偷猎者携带步枪或弯刀行走到探测器附近的时候,探测器就会发送一个无线电讯号到树顶的天线上。
英文: Dropping the TreeTop orange on the way to the picnic.
中文: 野餐的路上放弃了树上的橙。
英文: From that node, the data packets could travel to motes in the treetop and then continue hopping from one device to the next down the far side of the tree, over to other trees on the edge of the grove, and finally out for storage and analysis on a more pow
中文: 接著,这个节点可能把资料封包送给树梢处的尘粒,再继续往下送给树干另一侧的设备,然后一直传送到树丛边缘的其他树木,最后送出树林,传给功能较为强大的电脑,以利储存与分析。
英文: One of the disputes surrounding the case centers on “prior art”: previous technology that would undermine the claim in Hreniuk's patent application that his treetop apparatus is new and inventive.
中文: 这个案子的争议之一是「先前技术」,就是用早已存在的技术,证明贺纽克为他的树顶之旅所制造的装置,既不新颖,又不算发明。
英文: Treetop delivery rooms are unusual for humans but not for other primate species.
中文: 在树上生产对人类并不寻常,但是其他的灵长类就稀松平常了。